TeleGrok Ai

Bridging Grok to Telegram with features to help you manage your Groups. Keeping your group running smoothly is easier than ever with TeleGrok Ai

Talk to Grok Ai 
through telegram

Powerful telegram bot to help you manage your groups

Protect your groups with our advanced portal

About TeleGrok

Welcome to the future of Telegram group management with TeleGrok Ai, where cutting-edge artificial intelligence meets everyday convenience. Powered by GrokAI Beta, a real AI developed by Elon Musk's xAI team, TeleGrok Ai is more than just a bot – it's a dynamic assistant transforming the way you interact, manage, and safeguard your Telegram groups. From intelligent and context-aware conversations to robust features like AntiFlood, custom filters, and automated greetings, TeleGrok Ai is designed to make your Telegram experience more efficient, engaging, and secure. Embrace the power of real AI and revolutionize your group interactions with TeleGrok Ai.

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How it Works

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Add TeleGrok Ai to a telegram group

 To add TeleGrok to your desired group. Navigate to the group you want to manage, tap on the group name at the top, and select "Add Member."
Search for @TeleGrokAiBot in the search bar, and select the bot to add it to your group

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Make TeleGrok Ai admin

Upon adding the TeleGrok  Ai to your group, you must grant it admin privileges to enable its full functionality. Go to the group's "Administrators" section, find the TeleGrok Bot in the list, and select "Promote to Admin."

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Setup Command

With the admin privileges set, send the command /setup to the group chat. The TeleGrok Bot will now be up and running, ready to assist you in managing your Telegram group.

TeleGrok Ai's WhitePaper

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